
About Us

Why we are here!

Our political system simply isn’t working well enough for us. Power is too heavily concentrated, parties tend to select candidates on factors not necessarily associated with ability, and there is enormous influence that is allowed to influence policy through money, patronage, world organisations, civil service, lobbyists, media etc.

We have a low calibre of parliamentarians generally, not everyone of course, but even those that begin their careers with good intentions are soon corrupted by the environment they find themselves in. The environmental influences are extremely powerful, and they have learned well how to manipulate our parliament to get what they want which often does not coincide with what is best for us and our country.

Just changing bums on seats is not change. Small parties pretending they can break through the impossible hurdle of our electoral system are keen to present themselves as an alternative, but such activities aren’t for the benefit of us but to promote the egos of those in charge. The irony is that they do not campaign for change, but to keep everything exactly as it is.

Real change needs to focus on addressing the problems of our democracy, not just changing the occupants. The issue of highly focussed power, the disengagement of so many voters, the stark dividing lines measured so easily with the party colours on a map.

The Fairer Voting Party is here to make such change. We have but one policy and that is to force the governing party to hold a referendum based upon the proposals in David Allen’s groundbreaking new book, The Living Vote. We are a small party, just a seed for now, and we need your support as a plant needs water. We do have a brilliant and innovative set of ideas which are robust and effective and that is a good start.

It will be a long journey and will take time, perhaps 20 years, but 20 years passes very quickly and if we don’t begin the journey now, when 20 years has passed, we will have all the same problems we have now.

Please consider supporting us by becoming a registered supporter which will keep you in the loop with what we are doing, enable you to become more involved and even to represent the party as a candidate in a real election.

Change doesn’t happen by itself, it requires the ideas (we have those), a political vehicle (we have that in The Fairer Voting party), Party supporters (that’s where you come in), and real votes (that we’ll discover in the next election). This is for us all.

Who’s behind the party?

In order to present a consistent message to electors in different constituencies it is necessary to establish a political party. That means the party name and party logo can be used on ballot papers in different constituencies and as we intend to eventually stand in multiple constituencies a formally registered political party is essential.

We start small. Because we offer something which is brand new, has never been spoken or written about before. Not only do we need to gather electoral support, but we must also educate people about the ideas and the evolutionary democratic improvements they will bring. It will take time. You can see the details of the party structure in the constitution.

As we draw support into the party, others will take on important roles necessary in a national organisation. We make no apology for being small now. The radical and innovative ideas we stand for are, by definition, completely new, so there is no natural supporter base out there. It has to be built and it will take time to grow, but the seed has now been planted.

The proposals are for all of us. For a better democracy and uniquely they directly address the causes of our dysfunctional Parliamentary system as no existing proposals can. We are at the very beginning, so let’s hope these seeds of change receive enough watering.