
The System

With the combination of a fairer voting system and a restructure of the House of Commons we can dramatically improve representation without the need for coalition government. The new system also looks remarkably like the one we have now, so it is familiar to voters, but the apparently small changes proposed really change quite a lot down the line. For the first time ever you will be able to elect an independent Individual based on how close their views are to your own.

The Fairer Voting Party 

How it works

  • Structure:

    • Parliament will be made up of 75% political party members and 25% independent members.

    • When you vote you will have two ballot papers. One for political parties and one for independents.


    • There will be approximately 64 independents constituencies covering the whole country.

    • Each independent constituency will cover approximately 4 party constituencies.

    • Each constituency, both party constituencies and independent constituencies, will return two MPs.

  • Voting:

    • You select one candidate on the party ballot paper and one candidate on the independents ballot paper.

    • The first placed and second placed candidates in each constituency are elected, based on a simple count, as now.

  • The Living Vote:

    • When your MP votes, they will cast the number of votes they received in the election.

    • Every time they vote, your vote is used. It lives for the entire parliament, hence The Living Vote.

How the fiarer voting party works

The main benefits

How it could work for the benefit of everybody