

Electoral and Representation Survey
Electoral and Representation Survey
Establishing attitudes toward UK electoral structures and processes

How do you feel about the general standard of our politicians?

How do you feel about the truthfulness of our politicians?

How well do our politicians represent us?

How would you feel about some MPs being elected directly as independents?

Would you vote for the Fairer Voting Party?

If you said ‘No’ to the last question, what would you need to happen in order to change that response?

What would cause you not to vote for change?

How important do you think it is for more people to get the MP they voted for?

Were we to get a parliament that properly reflected the will of the people, which of the following do you think would happen?

Would you support a system that completely eliminated wasted votes? Wasted votes being those cast in excess of the number needed to win a Constituency. Typically, out of around 32 million votes in a General Election some 5 million are wasted.

How would you feel about each MP casting the number of votes they actually received in the election, instead of them all having just one each? Some MPs get as few as 6,000 votes to win, whilst others get nearly 50,000 votes, yet they all get an equal Commons vote.

How do you feel about the idea of independent MPs?

How do you feel about completely getting rid of the North/South Divide, Red/Blue wall? This is where one part of the country is dominated by Labour MPs and another part by Conservative MPs. We could have MPs of different persuasions in every Constituency, but with different voting powers.

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