
The Living Vote – an Overview


  • Parliament will be made up of 75% political party members and 25% independent members.
  • When you vote you will have two ballot papers. One for political parties and one for independents.


  • There will be approximately 256 party constituencies covering the whole country.
  • There will be approximately 64 independents constituencies covering the whole country.
  • Each independent constituency will cover approximately 4 party constituencies.
  • Each constituency, both party constituencies and independent constituencies, will return two MPs.


  • You select one candidate on the party ballot paper and one candidate on the independents ballot paper.
  • The first placed and second placed candidates in each constituency are elected, based on a simple count, as now.

The Living Vote

  • When your MP votes, they will cast the number of votes they received in the election.
  • Every time they vote, your vote is used. It lives for the entire parliament, hence The Living Vote.